Saturday, August 12, 2017

Pressing On

I have been in Togo for almost 7 months now and I have still yet to write a heartfelt blog post.  The truth is, I just don’t know what to say.  So much has happened and things are constantly changing.  I want to tell you all stories about my patients, but I want to respect their privacy.  I want to be honest about the struggles we face at the hospital, but I don’t want to sound like I am complaining.  I want to tell you my thoughts and feelings, but they aren’t all rosy and cheerful.  So, what is left to write about?

The past 7 months have been difficult in ways I never expected, but they have also been good.  I have been stretched and forced to grow in so many different ways, but in ways that I am sure are much needed. Maybe that is why I don’t know what to say.  Maybe I am still trying to figure out life here and how I fit into it. 

For now, I'll stick with pictures...

A typical night on the postpartum ward. 

Taking baby home looks a little bit different in Togo.

The equivalent of a car seat fitting. 

There are so many twins! One day I delivered two sets of twins in two hours!

Proof that I do more than just deliver babies.  This is an ovarian mass that I removed.  (It's also the most tame gyn picture I have.)

It's rainy season so we have grass now!

I made it to the beach!

The meat market was overflowing onto the street the day after Ramadan ended.  (I eat a lot of eggs and beans here.)  

I'll be in Texas in a couple of weeks for vacation!  Let me know if you would like to meet up!