Friday, January 27, 2017

First Glimpse

I have finally made it to Togo!!  Language school was a wonderful break after residency, but I could not be more excited to get back to work.  I miss delivering babies!

My French has thankfully reached a level where I am able to live day-to-day life in French.  (Thank you to everyone who has been praying!)  My French still needs a lot of polishing and my list of vocabulary words to memorize is never ending, but these things will come with practice.  I am incredibly thankful to have gone to a wonderful language school and to have had classmates who also became my friends.  I will miss them!

I plan on starting work on Monday.  Until then, I will be getting my house in order and meeting my colleagues.  Here is a first glimpse of Togo:  

8 hour drive from the airport to the hospital.  Look at that nice paved road!

Entrance to the hospital compound. 

 The house I will be living in.  (The neighbor's house is currently being built so that is why there is a ditch in the yard.)

But I'll probably be spending more time...

...on the maternity ward and in the ob/gyn OR. 

Northern Togo in the dry season.  This picture was taken just outside of the hospital compound. 

Market.  This is where I buy all of my groceries etc. 

Fun with the team!  (We were playing Family Feud.)

I plan to start sending out regular email updates that will be more specific to my work as an ob/gyn.  I hope to share patient stories and do not want to post them on the internet.  If you would like to receive these updates, please fill out the fields below and click "subscribe".  (If you have already given me your email address for this purpose, you do not need to sign up!)  Eventually this blog may be phased out. 


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